Micro Funds is a crowdfunding platform for new business ventures to establish and for existing business ventures to grow and expand their existing business operation. The capital uses of these business ventures and established businesses are diverse, just as these businesses are diverse according to the nature/type of businesses and the products and services they provide in their marketplace.
Know MoreMicro Funds funded ventures, featured ventures that have completed their crowdfunding campaign! The ventures featured here, have successfully raised the equity funding they are looking for through the Micro funds crowd . funding platform!
VIEW FUNDERS VENTURESNew Ventures seeking funds are featured on Micro Funds venture page Here ventures that have registered to seek crowdfunding are displayed for investors to learn more about the venture funding campaign and their funding needed and how prospect investors can invest to support their Micro funds crowdfunding campaign!
VIEW VENTURE SEEKING FUNDINGMicro Venture Funds is a crowd funding site and platform that allows new and existing ventures to raise funding capital from the general public that are looking for business ventures to invest in in exchange of an equity interest in the venture.
Micro Funds help ventures that are either a startup planning to lunch, startup already in existence as well as small businesses that are already operating in the market place to raise capital at any level of development or establishment stage and for any use of fund purposes to meet their business venture needs
Micro Venture Funds help to connect ventures looking for funds with crowdfunding private investors looking for ventures to invest in and becoming be part of the ventures as an equity investor with equity interest ownership in the company.
We provide the opportunities that will allow a prospective investor, to contribute a small and affordable amount to a company of their interest that is looking to raise capital from small amount none accredited to a large amount accredited investors.
Our emporium business partner business center allows business venture to create a business venture page, a business center and a business center market place, that allow business venture, to promote their business venture; display and market their products and service to wide marketing audience in the marketplace as well as to variety of crowdfunding investors that not only like to invest in the business venture they like, but also support the business venture by becoming a customer as well!